Despite the moderate collection of color schemes this portfolio features, the overall approach is certainly worth checking out. There aren’t many case galleries that make descriptions go along perfectly organically with everything else on the page. The design of this one may be the best way to go for those working with an extended scope of services and tasks that go beyond visual design.
This is the resource that literally amazed us with confusion. Once you open this portfolio’s homepage, all that you see is a black-and-white concept of a TV screen filled with white noise. After you click and drag some interactive elements, you understand how amazingly well and tasteful everything is put together on this website. An awesome, original concept implemented with as awesome technical input.
Design Concept
Vivid color choices always attract user attention, especially if the right contrast sets the mood. Apart from tasty colors, this agency does this thing where you can see a sneak peek of a project you are moving your cursor over. That way, website users can see some part of info and get intrigued without even clicking anything.
Magazine Design
You must see this one with your own eyes – you are met with quite a peculiar homepage illustration continued by a list of exhibited cases that is scrolled through peculiarly as well. If you seek originality, here’s a bunch of it – take a look and get inspired for some wild, out-of-line ideas.
Nature Vibes
Grey, moderately-colored background, blurred letters… What can attract potential clients here, you might ask. The design of this digital portfolio beams with melancholy in the best, warmest way, while also demonstrating the designer finesse of artists that created this solution.
Graphic Design
Everything’s pretty standard in terms of the UX here: you see a bunch of project names with respective ‘+’ symbols, clicking which, the project description gets expanded. The raw digital font-focused design is the best – it is as though all the text on the page was composed using a typewriter. The taste and optimal conciseness of this design creators’ can be felt when viewing this page – there are no excessive dynamic elements involved.